Zébulon Blog

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Screensaver...the new trend ???

MSN recently released a beta version of their screensaver tool. I find the concept quite interesting. In fact I had previously thought about a similar tool but for Yahoo!.
Yahoo previously come up with My Yahoo! Ticker Beta that display news items in your windows taskbar, as well as a searchbar. The tool was released when other major companies like Microsoft or Google were working on their desktop search Engine. Yahoo not only worked on the X1 plateform but also tried to integrate the search engine right into windows. MSN Eventually took over the idea with their toolbar suite
Here, the MSN Screensaver works along with the MSN Toolbar. In other words, you will have to download the toolbar to be able to use the screensaver. OK you got me: so now you have MSN Search engine in internet explorer, in your windows taskbar, in your MSN Messenger and in your screensaver.


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